Generally, you will not need a lawyer for a car accident settlement. If you were at fault in the accident, or if there are any questions about who is at fault, then you may want to speak with an attorney. However, most settlements in car accidents fall within fairly standard ranges and do not require legal advice or representation from an attorney.
Not always! Depending on the situation, some people may be able to handle their car accident settlement without a lawyer. If you are involved in an auto accident and were not at fault, your insurance company should likely cover most of the expenses related to your claim. In some cases, you may also be entitled to receive compensation for damages including medical bills and property damage.
If you or someone else was at fault in the crash, however, hiring a lawyer can often make sense. A lawyer can help negotiate with the other party’s insurance carrier and try to get as much money as possible for you or your loved ones. Additionally, a good legal team will generally have many years of experience in dealing with car accident settlements so that everything goes smoothly from start to finish.